CanSkate Fun Fest - Pense

The Pense Skate Club is very excited to host a CanSkate FunFest on Sunday, January 8, 2023.

All Saskatchewan CanSkate skaters are welcome to register!

We will be offering an Element event with 3 optional add-on events – Creative Event, FastTrack Event and a Spin, Spiral & Jump Event.   

The Element Event will be open to ALL CanSkate levels (1-6) and will focus on showcasing the skills they have learned, aligned with their current badge levels.  

The Fast-Track will be a timed racing event – open to ALL CanSkate levels (1-6) 

The Creative Event will be a movement to music event (no choreography needed) - open to ALL CanSkate levels (1-6) 

The Spin, Spiral & Jump Event will be a skill based choreographed event that skaters will perform to a provided piece of music - open to CanSkate levels 5 & 6 only.

The purpose of this CanSkate FunFest is to provide skaters with the opportunity to showcase their skills in a fun and interactive environment. In support of Skate Canada’s ongoing implementation of the Long-Term Athlete Development Model, this event has been formatted to recognize the philosophies of the Learn to Skate stage. The focus of the event is on individual skill improvement and therefore performances are not ranked.

Registration is now open, please use the link provide to complete the registration form online.  Forms must be submitted before December 1, 2022 and payment must be received in order to secure the skater’s spot in the event.

Any additional questions, please contact us at [email protected]
