Investing in the Future
“taking skating to the millennium & beyond”

Skate Canada - Saskatchewan will be recognized as a leader in the delivery of skating programs for lifelong fun, fitness and personal achievement.
The revenue budget of the Skate Canada – Saskatchewan is dependent on grants from Saskatchewan Lotteries, membership fees, sales of merchandise, seminar fees and the annual fundraising project, the “Skaters’ Lottery”. No other funds are realized from any government department.
Do you remember lacing up your skates for the first time? Remember the feeling you had when you stepped onto the ice. Not only has skating provided you with a healthier and happier lifestyle, but has provided wonderful experiences, opportunities, friendships, life long memories and personal development skills such as time management, goal setting and problem solving. These are values that build people, communities and our province.
Investing in the Future has been established by Skate Canada – Saskatchewan to generate new funds that will ensure financial needs for existing programs, but more importantly, to develop and expand new challenges for our future best skaters in Saskatchewan communities.
The experience is worth sharing.
Why not help provide the opportunity for others to experience the same feelings? We’re asking you to contribute to the future of skating. With a new gift-giving program established to ensure the future of skating in Saskatchewan for generations to come. Donations can be as simple as cash or gifts in kind. A tax receipt will be issued.
A program for individuals or clubs wishing to make a large gift or donation to Saskatchewan Figure Skating. Endowments, Legacy Funds, Memorials, Insurance Policies, Charitable Annuities, Bequests or other forms of gifts can be used to honour a special person, club or a specific cause in the sport.
Skate Canada – Saskatchewan will work closely with the donor to create a thoughtful and lasting tribute or legacy. For a complete information package on the Legacy Project, please contact Skate Canada - Saskatchewan at (306) 780-9245
Introducing our donor programs:
Future Best (Grassroots) Fund
Donations to the Future Best (Grassroots) Fund will be designated for training and education opportunities for clubs and non-competitive skaters. For example, funds may be used for leadership development, seminars and skater bursaries.
Coaches & Officials Development Fund
Dedicated to the sport of figure skating in Saskatchewan, donations to the Coaches & Officials Development Fund will go directly to developing the areas of coaching, judging, evaluating, technical panel, data specialists and event personnel. Much effort needs to be expended in this direction.
Competitive Development Fund
Donations to the Competitive Development Fund are channeled to High Performance skaters for training and education opportunities. Funds will be administered as per the application criteria and granted at the discretion of the Selection Committee.
INVESTING IN THE FUTURE - Your Gift Can Make A Difference
Have you ever considered the impact that being involved with skating has had on your life? Whether you are involved recreationally or competitively, you’ve benefited from the experience of certified coaches.
By contributing to Investing in the Future, donations will ensure that others, especially young people, will share some of those wonderful experiences. Investing in the Future allows you to contribute an amount of your choice, to the area of your choice, whether it’s development of grassroots, coaches, officials or elite athletes.
These funds will ensure skating in Saskatchewan will continue to develop; athletes, coaches and officials. Through additional training and development; talented athletes can pursue their dreams and reach their goals – ensuring the future of Skate Canada - Saskatchewan.
A tax receipt will be issued for all donations of $20.00 or more.
Donor Incentive Program:
- Donations of at least $120/year per individual will be eligible for a 20% top-up (up a maximum of $10,000) by Sask Sport Inc. in the name of the donor in any one fiscal period.
- Incentive dollars will contributed at the time of donation but will be deferred for period of five (5) years.
- Donations must originate from an individual or family to be eligible (corporate donations do not qualify for this incentive).
- Maximum incentive for any one individual donor is $5,000.