Return to Skating Guidelines Update
As of February 25, 2021– two (2) or three (3) groups maximum 8 skaters per group (i.e., 4 Parents & 4 Tots) on the ice. Coaches and Program Assistants are not part of the 8.
Ice surfaces can be used for multiple groups of individuals (18 years of age and under) for the purpose of conditioning and training if the following requirements are met:
- Physical distancing of five metres between groups of participants, and three metres for high intensity and two metres for low intensity activities between participants is maintained.
- Bulk heads (not swim lane dividers) for pools and barriers/markings for other surfaces are required to prevent interaction and physical contact between groups of participants.
- Each group is limited to eight participants or less.
- Maximum number in the facility is 30, not including coaches and staff.
- Area is well ventilated.
- Group activities, such as swimming lessons, fitness classes and competitive swim team training, must be scheduled outside of public swim times.
- Groups are managed to avoid queuing or crowding (e.g., start and end times must be staggered between groups to prevent larger numbers in change rooms and walkways).
Public Health Orders overrides our guidelines; therefore please remember that masks must be worn by all participants.