Call for Nominations
The Nominating Committee is seeking prospective candidates for the Skate Canada – Saskatchewan (Section) Board of Directors. Elections will take place at the 2022 Annual General Meeting to be held on Saturday, May 7th, 2022 in Regina, SK.
Available Positions on the 2022/2024 Section Board of Directors:
- President – 1-year term of office
- Bylaw 4.4 President Eligibility – In order to be eligible to be elected as President, an individual must have
served the immediate previous two (2) consecutive years on the Board of Directors.
- Bylaw 4.4 President Eligibility – In order to be eligible to be elected as President, an individual must have
- Treasurer – 2-year term of office
- Directors (4 positions available)
- 3 - 2-year term of office
- 1 - 1-year term of office
For more information, click here