2021 Skate Canada Ice Summit
The 2021 Skate Canada Ice Summit has officially kicked off with its pre-conference activities. Join us virtually for more sessions around Safe Sport and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion taking place Friday, May 28 and Saturday, May 29, 2021.
This year, the theme that anchors the Ice Summit is Change Connecting Community. Join us for a variety of interactive, educational workshops, and an inspirational address by keynote speaker and former Canadian Football League star Henry Burris.
With loads of exciting sessions, the Ice Summit is also a time to recognize the many accomplishments achieved this past season by our organization and our dedicated volunteers! The Annual General meeting will occur on Saturday, May 29 and is open to all Skate Canada Member Clubs and Skating Schools, Member Coaches, Section Chairs and Section Offices. Please be sure to register and declare for the AGM.
If you missed out on the pre-conference activities, fear not, all sessions are available to watch on the Ice Summit Virtual Platform until June 30, 2021! Loads of time to soak up all the amazing information and interact with our community.
Click here to register now.